Ethical Legal and Social Issues (ELSI)

Consideration of Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues (ELSI) is vital to understanding the impact of genomic technologies on society. ELSI research captures how genomics can impact individuals, families, communities and health services. Key aspects of ELSI research include supporting equitable access to genomic testing and understanding how these issues impact underrepresented communities.

Our team is leading several studies on mainstreaming genomic testing across several areas of healthcare:

  • Genetic discrimination and life insurance

  • Genomics education for Human Research Ethics Commitees

  • Increasing ancestry diversity in genomics research


Australian Genetics & Life Insurance Moratorium (A-GLIMMER)

Genomics Education for Human Research Ethics Committees

The South Asian Genes and Health in Australia (SAGHA) study


Mainstreaming genomic testing


Genomics and gene discovery