Associate Professor Aideen McInerney-Leo
Group Leader
PhD, MSc FHGSA (Genetic Counselling), NHMRC Research Fellow
Bit about me
I am a clinician-academic with a background in genetic counselling, and my research focuses on democratizing access to genetic testing. I established my group, Integrating Genomics into Medicine (IGM), at UQ’s Frazer Institute, in 2020, mainly to improve genomic testing utilisation for everyone accessing healthcare services across Queensland. My most significant translational impacts include improving diagnostic yields for rare disorders, reducing the risk of genetic discrimination, and empowering clinicians and consumers to engage more with genomic testing.
My outstanding team of researchers and academics truly inspires me. I am excited to share all our latest research with you.
Awards & Recognition
2022 The University of Queensland, Foundation for Research Excellence Award
2022 Translational Research Institute (TRI) award for leadership, research excellence, collaboration, and community engagement
2021 UQ Faculty of Medicine (FoM) Excellence in Mental and Physical Health, Safety and Wellness
2021 UQ Diamantina Institute (UQDI) Mentor of the Year award
2021 Queensland Tall Poppy Award
2020 UQ FoM Leader of the Future Award
2020 UQDI Director’s Award for Outstanding Contribution
2019 Finalist Bupa Emerging Health Researcher
2019 Finalist Women in Technology Life Sciences Rising Star Award
The University of Queensland Committees
Chair UQ Frazer Institute Equity Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Member of Partnership and Development Committee
Consumer Engagement Chair, Faculty of Medicine
External Boards & Committees
President elect of Australasian Society of Dermatology Research
Member of the Metro South Human Research Ethics Committee
Human Genetics Society of Australasia
Chair of the MSc Program Accreditation Committee
Member of the Genetic Counselling Board of Censors
Member and former Co-Chair of the Education, Ethics and Social Issues Committee producing policies and professional guidelines around genomics
Grants & Funding
I am an active Chief Investigator (CI) on 5 Category 1 grants worth >$4.8M, including an NHMRC Fellowship, three MRFF Genomics grants and an NHMRC/European Union Horizon grant. I am also an Associate Investigator (AI) on successful multi-centre NHMRC/MRFF grants (worth >$22.4M).
Research publications
*100 peer-reviewed journal articles (25 as first author, 21 as senior/joint senior author)
(for a full list of publications please see Scopus: and ORCiD: